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  1. High Quality Wheaton Siding Products.


Wheaton siding contractors who care about high quality results.

Get siding repair and siding replacement solutions at your doorstep. Opal is a dedicated team of siding contractors in Wheaton IL. You’ll be able to choose from top-rated durable siding materials, which skilled crews will install to perfection. Opal installs fiber cement siding, stone, stucco siding, and vinyl siding in Wheaton Illinois.

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Endorsed by James Hardie Siding

Due to a proven track record, Opal has earned the title of James Hardie Elite Preferred Siding Contractor. This means that endorsement by James Hardie in expert installation of fiber cement siding and a track record of stellar service. Partner with Opal for Wheaton siding contractors with a top reputation and product selection. James Hardie endorses Opal, and Opal endorses their product! The entire team frequently recommends James Hardie Siding in Wheaton because it is low in VOCs, beautiful, and it lasts extremely long with very little maintenance.



High Quality Wheaton Siding Products.

Opal has carefully selected every product offering. These building products are top choices for a safe & efficient home!

Wheaton siding contractors who proudly install:

  • Mastic Vinyl Siding
  • James Hardie fiber cement siding
  • Versetta Stone Veneer
  • Cultured stone and brick siding products

Only high-quality materials from trusted manufacturers when handling siding installation

Call To Get A Free Quote (888) 676-OPAL

Opal’s focus is on siding replacement that will improve the look, value, and durability of client’s homes. These skilled siding contractors create many different styles and exciting combinations! Take a look at local siding project examples….

Get a quote for Wheaton siding replacement service. Call (630) 355-6557 or request a quote online.