Ultraviolet (UV) rays are known to do serious harm to your health. You can only be exposed to dangerous UV rays when you’re out in the sun, though, right? Not necessarily. The windows in your home may be exposing you to dangerous UV rays on a daily basis. This exposure does more than put your health at risk. It can also damage the delicate materials in your home.
If you’re concerned about UV ray exposure in your own home, consider installing UV-protected windows. Andersen Windows has UV protection windows available for purchase. When you work with Opal’s Naperville Window Contractor to install your windows of choice, your windows can continue to provide you with stunning views while also protecting you from harm.
UV Rays Directly Impact Your Health and Home
Short-term exposure to the sun’s UV radiation isn’t dangerous. If you’re spending hours in the sun, though, you may start to see your skin react poorly to your exposure.
UV radiation comes in two forms. Ultraviolet A rays, or UVA rays, are longer in wavelength than Ultraviolet B rays, or UVB rays. As such, UVA rays are often blamed for the premature aging of a person’s skin. Comparatively, UVB rays can cause your skin to burn.
These rays can impact more than the health of your skin. Both UVA and UVB rays can cause your carpet, wood products, and even tile to bleach and age. The more light certain parts of your home get, the more at risk for damage your sensitive belongings may be.
Andersen Windows Boast UV Protection
If you want to avoid the negative effects of UVA and UVB rays, you need to protect yourself and your belongings. Instead of resigning yourself to life behind thick curtains, though, you can replace the windows in your home with safer alternatives.
Before you purchase new glass for your sills, you need to know what types of windows you have available to you. Your standard glass window absorbs a considerable amount of UVB rays. However, this glass doesn’t prevent UVA rays from making their way into your home. If you want to limit your UVA exposure, you need to invest in laminated or blocking-coated windows.
Types of Andersen Windows Available for Installation
There’s more than one Andersen Window UV-protected window on the market today. You can turn to Andersen Windows’ SmartSun™ and PassiveSun™ glasses for protection from dangerous UVA exposure. Both PassiveSun™ and SmartSun™ glasses are Energy Star V.6.0 Certified for effective use.
The SmartSun™ glass prevents up to 95% of the UV rays from the sun from making their way into your home. As a result, you can protect your belongings from bleaching and your skin from the dangers that UV rays present.
PassiveSun™ doesn’t offer as comprehensive UV protection as its SmartSun™ alternative, but it does help you make the most out of the sun’s rays. This glass transfers the heat of the sun into your home, essentially supplementing the work a heating unit can do. You can alternatively invest in Low-E™ or Low-E4™ glasses for a similar effect.
The Benefits of UV-Safe Windows
When you invest in UV-safe windows, you make a concentrated effort to protect your home, your health, and your loved ones from the worst effects of UVA rays. This means that you are:
Limiting Your Risk of Skin Cancer
Overexposure to UVA rays can cause you or your loved ones to develop melanoma or skin cancer. Good habits, like wearing sunscreen and staying in the shade, can limit your risk of developing these conditions. If you’re seeing a significant amount of sun in your own home, though, UV-safe windows can help you get ahead of a dangerous diagnosis.
These windows allow you to enjoy the sun without worrying about your health. Where you might otherwise have to cover up your windows with blinds or screens, UV-safe windows help you preserve your hard-won view.
Protecting Your Fabrics from Fading
Fabrics, woods, and other materials can all suffer damage after prolonged exposure to UVA rays. If you leave delicate materials in the sun for too long, they can lose their color or even start to warp. In many cases, overexposure to UV rays can make your belongings less valuable.
When you install UV-safe windows, you reduce the impact that the sun can have on your belongings. While you may still need to invest in regular TLC for your more delicate home goods, you won’t have to worry about the impact of a sunny day on your home’s value.
Reducing Your Home’s Summer Heat Gain
It can feel impossible to cool down during the hottest months of the year. Even your home’s air conditioner may struggle to keep up with the demands of summer weather. When you use UV-safe windows to reduce your home’s heat retention, though, you can keep your home more comfortable while also reducing your monthly energy bills.
Installing Andersen UV-Protected Windows
Andersen Windows does not offer installation services alongside its windows. Instead, the platform encourages consumers to contact local contractors who have experience installing their UV-safe windows. These contractors can bring Andersen-approved fasteners to your home and ensure that your windows are as safely configured as possible.
You can install Andersen windows in newly-constructed buildings or use them to replace damaged or inefficient windows. If you have questions about what your installation may entail or how much it may cost, you can connect with the technicians in your area to schedule a free installation consultation.
Learn More About UV Window Protection With Opal Exteriors
If the time’s come to replace your windows, consider the benefits of built-in UV protection. Andersen Windows do have UV protection designed to keep you and your family safe from harm. These windows can fit into a variety of frames and are designed to provide you with the UV protection you need to stay safe and comfortable in your home.
If you have questions about the merits of windows with UV protection, you can contact us to schedule an installation consultation. The window technicians with Opal Exteriors can assess your home’s needs and bring in the windows that can protect your home from the negative effects of the sun’s rays.